At this point we should do a littl emore oganization. This app is pretty small but will still benefit from a better code structure. Lets set up all out resources as includes, like we did our configuration…

create a new folder called resources within that folder create a file named app_bucket.yml or something clear like that.

we’re going to copy and paste our definition of AppS3Bucket into that file:

Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
  BucketName: ${self:custom.s3Bucket}
  AccessControl: PublicRead
    IndexDocument: index.html
    ErrorDocument: index.html

and do the same for AppS3BucketPolicy in a file called app_bucket_policy.yml

Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy
    Ref: AppS3Bucket
      - Sid: PublicReadGetObject
        Effect: Allow
        Principal: '*'
          - s3:GetObject
          Fn::Join: [
            "", [
                "Ref": "AppS3Bucket"

remember to be careful and clean up your indentation as needed. yml is dependent on indentation.

now we can update the resources section of our main file to look like this:

    AppS3Bucket: ${file(resources/app_bucket.yml)}
    AppS3BucketPolicy: ${file(resources/app_bucket_policy.yml)}

which has eliminated ~25 lines of noisy code from our main document.

There is one last thing we need to change before we can dest the deploy again.

our BucketName value in the properties for AppS3Bucket could be more direct. Rather than using a relative reference that in my opinion is counterintuitive, lets get that value directly from the source. change the value of BucketName in ‘app_bucket.yml’ like so:

BucketName: ${file(config.${self:provider.stage}.yml):s3Bucket}

Now, Im not sure this is strictly necessary. It would probably work fine without doing this… I havent tested it with the relative variable reference so I dont know. My personal preference is to do it this way but its also an opportunity to point out one more method of referencing data from other files.

we are targeting the file the same way we do when including the whole thing for each of our resources… in this case though we are telling it the name of a single variable, s3Bucket, we want to retrieve.

Its also a chance to point out that the file path is relative to the file path is relative to the main serverlass.yml file… not to the file the code is actually in. i.e. we access it via as opposed to something like ../ because we are inside the resources directory.

go ahead and deploy again, verify it still works and then remove it.

sls daploy -v and sls remove

Continue to Part 6